Getting Started

To Get Started, you need to follow the instructions below


Required Setup

1. Download the latest version of DiscordConnector and drag it into your plugins folder
2. Start the server and set the bot token and guild ID by using /setbottoken and /setguildid for which you will need the permissions DiscordConnector.token and or by directly editing the config
3. Reload or restart your server


To use the chat bridge you need to add "MCCHAT" somewhere in the topic/description of the channel you want to use as chat bridge


To use the console bridge you need to add "MCCONSOLE" somewhere in the topic/description of the channel you want to use as console bridge
Only users with the "Manage Server" Permission are allowed to use the console

Updating Channel

To use the updating channel you need to add "MCSYNTAX:" followed by a syntax in the topic/description of the channel you want to use as updating channel



You can set the syntax of messages using the following commands:


Change how messages sent on Discord get sent in Minecraft - Example Syntax: [DC]{username}: {message}


Change how messages sent on Minecraft get sent in Discord - Example Syntax: [MC]{username}: {message}


Change how join messages get sent in Discord - Example Syntax: [MC]{username} joined the Server!


Change how leave messages get sent in Discord - Example Syntax: [MC]{username} left the Server!


Change how start messages get sent in Discord - Example Syntax: Bot Online!


Change how stop messages get sent in Discord - Example Syntax: Bot Offline!

Only users with the DiscordConnector.syntax permission can execute these commands

Disabling Features

To disable features just set the syntax to nothing